10 Must-Know Git Commands for Streamlining Your Development Workflow

10 Must-Know Git Commands for Streamlining Your Development Workflow

Git is a popular version control system that helps developers track changes in their codebase, collaborate with other team members, and maintain a history of all the changes made to the code. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the essential Git commands that every developer should know.

Git Commands:-

  1. git config

    The git config sets the author name and email address respectively to be used with your commits.

     git config –global user.name “[user name]”
     git config –global user.email “[email address]”
  2. git init

    The git init command is used to initialize a new Git repository. It creates a new .git subdirectory in the current working directory and sets up the necessary files and directories for version control.

     Usage: git init
     example: git init /home/Documents/DEMO
  3. git clone

    The git clone command is used to create a copy of an existing Git repository. It downloads the entire repository, including all the files and history, to your local machine.

     Usage: git clone [url]
     example: git clone https://github.com/Puneet722/test.git
  4. git add

    The git add command is used to add changes to the staging area. The staging area is a temporary storage area where changes are held before being committed to the repository.

     Usage: git add [file]
     example: git add test_1.txt
  5. git commit

    The git commit command is used to create a new commit in the repository. A commit is a snapshot of the changes made to the code at a particular point in time. Each commit has a unique hash value that can be used to identify it.

     Usage: git commit -m “[ Type in the commit message]”
     example: git commit -m “this is my test commit”
  6. git reset

    The git reset unstaged the file, but it preserves the file contents. This command undoes all the commits after the specified commit and preserves the changes locally.

     Usage: git reset [file]
     Usage: git reset [commit]
  7. git branch

    The git branch command is used to create, list, or delete branches in the repository. A branch is a separate line of development that allows developers to work on different features or fixes simultaneously.

     Usage: git branch
     Usage: git branch [branch name]
  8. git checkout

    The git checkout command is used to switch between branches or create a new branch. It updates the working directory with the contents of the specified branch.

     Usage: git checkout [branch name] //switch from one branch to another
     Usage: git checkout -b [branch name] //creates a new branch
  9. git merge

    The git merge command is used to combine changes from two or more branches. It takes the changes made in one branch and applies them to another branch.

     Usage: git merge [branch name]
  10. git show

    The git show command shows the metadata and content changes of the specified commit.

    Usage: git show [commit]

    ~Puneet 🙃